Sensation Experience

Quarter Summary, part 1

This post originally appeared on Sunday, 8 September 2013.
Hello, everyone. Since I started last Month I decided to wrap up this quarter with a few things I have covered last week, possibly include resources, cover new information, etc. There may not be any posts until next year. If there are posts, they will be most likely videos, photos, links, etc. I will also consider upgrading to turn this into an actual website, so anyone wishing to help out, I’d really appreciate that.
Let’s begin with what I have been focusing on for the last month and a half. My posts mainly focused on self-identity, intervention, conflicts, solutions, acceptance, future outlook, etc. But I know there is a lot more to cover over a life time. I can’t cover every field of life to study. It’s like organising otree’s branches from bottom to top. That would take forever. So I usually try to find the main areas that pique my interest and curiosity the most, and I would use that to expand my knowledge and cover a little of everything.
so, let’s go over some things that I thought I’d cover this week. While many people, regardless of where and who they are in this world, everyone is going to have two or more sides. Usually this can be seen as a political spectrum. Life is like one big number line. People tend to fall within extreme categories in whatever it is that is being discussed. Like, when we talk about the causes of sexual orientation, one person may say, it’s biologically influenced. Another person would argue that and would say, no, it’s induced and it gets wired into their brain like nueorplasticity. Another person may say it’s both, or another person would say it is neither and would ignore it and move on. So, I’m one of those persons who wants to take two sides and find a workaround to reconcile the two opinions and move on.
Many people born with a disability choose not to pursue drastic measures to recover them because their disability not only affects a person’s soma, but their psyche as well; it’s just a part of their identity. So, I have made it an incentive for a person to consider joining H+ and contributing to research about what it is like to acquire the new ability for the first time in a long time. Plus, they would have to be willing to have self-discipline and the willing to put up with rehabilitation to pull through. It is many of these traits people lack, that, and their religious supersticions that make them not want to pursue such measures. And, there it is again. Why can we not find a way to come to an agreement? What if we found a way to simulate or give them the sensations, the memories of what it is like to do this and that, without having to perform surgery? We would have to use mind-uploading and memory implantation technology for that to be successful.
I’ve been researching on hearing, both acoustic and synthetic-wise, and what I learned was quite surprising. Many blind hearing-impaired people have no problem tracking directions in modern audio games when using earbuds, but when it comes to real life, and they are wearing simple digital aids, they can’t seem to determine the direction of where traffic is moving, a very important barrier to be able to overcome to gain access to the world. More research is being done to see how microphones pick up sound, how the noise is processed, etc. This is really advanced for me to investigate, but it gave me something to look into in the future, perhaps when I get surround sound equipment. Many of the organisations are focusing more on blindness or deafness as if they were separate, not as if they were combined, like the Hellen Keller National Institute. And, speaking of Hellen Keller, I was thinking about deaf-blind people before her, people who could have been famous but weren’t because they lacked the courage and or attention and motivation they needed to pull through to the end. Sure, people like Homer were respected in ancient cultures, but they weren’t famous. So it makes it sound like Hellen was the only famous deaf-blind person in the world. People like she were thought to be the cause of the devil and were shunned and or thrown away for experimentation. I have never been attracted to any blindness organisation because they are too professional and hardly take the opportunity to help those in need. Plus, there is a lot of internalised ableism that is exacerbated when a blind person has a secondary disability.
Let me go over cellular memory, for I have been meaning to do so. Basically, there hasn’t been any serious study to figure out whether or not recipients resemble their donors after receiving a heart transplant, as that is usually what happens. My unproven theory is that since major organs are hooked to the peripheral nervous system, there is a way for stray neurones from the brain to work their way into the organ. When that organ is transplanted, those old neurones would be distributed in the new nervous system and the brain would interpret them. It is like taking a memory card from one device to another. Or, it could just be related to chimeric processes, chemical messengers, and gene expressions of the donor organ. Those would show that their primary effects would be on emotion, rather than memory. I was wondering if these types of triggers were more to do with environmental factors, and more long-term, rather than short-term. And finally, is intelligence and gender linked? Is knowledge innate? I have read a few books about people with supernatural intelligent brains.
Having an unexplained amount of high intelligence may result in isolation from other pupils because of their consistency in correcting others, even if it is not their fault.
It has yet to be understood how paranormal or supernatural things can be when one can pick up a piece of paper and decipher the shapes into a set of words. This is now under investigation, for we would like to understand the genetics involved in this task, what genes are affected, and what parts of the brain are changed, as well as the socialism the person would be exposed to.
In our society, we classify persons based on intelligence level, but that is just because we lack an understanding on their brain power.
As well as focusing on the scientific aspect of this study, psychological testing is also critical for us to understand the factors that made this difference and how it will affect them later in life. A gene is simply a set of instructions given to tell the organelles to follow these rules. When a mutation occurs, usually by internal or external factors, that instruction is ignored or mixed with another, and the string would simply continue, leaving a mutated organelle in place. There are names for these, many of which I refrain from using, chiefly due to not knowing them, but also because I don’t want to bore the reader with the scientific jargon without first understanding it. These genes simply tell the brain how fast neurones should communicate, how long these cells can last, how much hormones to produce, what kinds of hormones, how much blood flow should each side get, and much more to fit in here. Usually a person with such intelligence has a major area of focus that interests them, and naturally, they also lack certain maturities in certain areas.
Maybe I can use those simulators to simulate high intelligence and low intelligence, fast processing and low processing, and the storing of memories, which is also going to be important. Holding onto memories is easy for some, hard for others. We would like to figure out how this works in greater detail.
Let us begin with the learning and capacities. Let us talk about how the brain works. The majority of people think of our brain as a computer that manages our body both voluntary and involuntary. We can think about it, or we need not think about it at all. In the classical organisation of the brain, it is known as a sensory machine, although modern science is finding it to be called a task machine because one sence can activate multiple areas of the brain.
Having said that, let us talk about capacity. In the way we learn the most basic thing their is to learn, life’s most important or least important lessons to the most abstract thought of art, learning is very important in one’s child development. What I am looking into is the storing of these memories. Is it possible that neurones and neurotransmitters cary memory in the brain? And yet, science still finds the brain to be a big mystery, but we are slowly solving it every day. If we know how memories are stored, then we can learn about how sometimes, when you least expect it, those cells stored with memories can be distributed amongst your body’s systems. This might better help us develop deep neural networking algorithms for light-guided memory storage and recall.
Now, let us discuss processing. How long does it take for bits of these memories to combine together to produce a new memory? Solving easy or hard math problems, using logic, spelling words, syntax, diction, etc etc. The time it takes for the process to begin and for it to end may vary on brain wave speed. I am hoping to do some studying on how fast neuron cells travel within the brain to see if we can find ways to speed these up, or slow them down.
Next, we will discuss genes. We all know that things can be passed on and on. The question is, what can be passed on and on, and how is this so? What areas of the body are changed when a gene is modified? Most of this will directly affect mitosis, or cell division. We might be able to produce intelligent people in our society and have them replace those of lower intelligence.

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