Sensation Experience

Transgender Issues and Problems in Western Culture

This post was originally written on Sunday, 24 August 2013.
Transgender Issues and Problems in Western Culture
Hello everyone, today I would like to follow up on what I did this week before I dive into some of the other stuff I promised I would do last week.
Let’s start out with what I have been doing in the GLBTQIA and H+ communities. I dove deeper into how the brain works into greater detail. Through recent research I learned that the left brain is known as either the masculine or scientific brain while the right brain is known as the feminine or artistic brain. I did some research that some of the sexist assumptions do have scientific evidence to back them up. One says that males have a lot more blood flow on the left side of the brain than on the right, and that they only have language input and integration on the left as well. They experience pain on the right side of the amygdala which controls external functions. When they encounter stress, their fight-or-flight responses are active. Males are more likely to contract any form of language and motor disabilities. This is why many find it dissonant to be more feminine. But of course, if you were a bridge brainer it would not matter.
Females have a larger corpus callosum, have blood flow primarily on the right side of the brain and has access to both left and right sides for language integration and fine motor skills. They experience pain on the left side of the amygdala, which controls internal functions. Females are more likely to experience problems related to emotions and moods. Stress is controlled by the rest-and-repair part of the central nervous system. This is another possibility why females find it easy for them to be like males. Source:
Now, what is nature and what is nurture? Are morals and ethics given to us at birth or through learning? To be able to express the morals and ethics you need nurture to learn the language, but to actually carry out the decision that will not require language and therefore would be considered nature. So, back to the way boys and girls grow up, female babies are able to learn how to talk much earlier than male babies. Girls are better at language and fine motor skills than boys until puberty. Boys are bettr at mathematics and geometry than girls. Women are better multitaskers and observers than men. Men are better at spacial mapping than women. Using these characteristics, I would like to propose a new finding for people who might be transgender. If a male-to-female baby learned to talk at a much earlier age than their sibling, and was better at everything than their fellow students, and they were an excellent multitasker and observer, then they would most likely be transgendered. The question then becomes, how will they be aware of the fact. You see, because of my disabilities, it took me so long to find out that I was a very special person. Imagine the parrotfish for a minute. I read this n a book called Parrotfish by Ellen Witlinger. Think about the females turning into supermales. What if the male-to-female human became a superfemale? A lot of the studies I noticed about the causes of this was primarily due to genetics and mistreatment of the foetus. But I want to look into other factors, such as the ones I already described. And, of course, for the female-to-male person, they have the characteristics of a male’s brain but is inside a female body. Male-to-female people find it a lot harder to come out than female-to-male people. When they are exposed to the outside world, the orientation that they would most likely be attracted to is dependent on how their brains are wired. For example, a stereotype says that gay men are feminine. This means that they like other men from a woman’s point of view, but not from a man’s. Same thing with lesbians. Another interesting thing that can also be observed is instead of a man being attracted to a woman, he would envy her body image because he wants to break out of his own body and experience the other body. I also dove more into the lavender linguistics that GLBTQIA people used, like the vocal fry, the gay lisp, the valley dialect, and the way they did these things in certain situations.
I was intrigued by a hypothesis of the Mozart effect, and this kind of ties into the reading people do. Truth is, the more you are a bookworm, the more knowledgeable you are to be, and the more you listen to Western art music, the smarter you are going to be. So if you combine the two, your brain will slowly rewire. This might be one of those induced patterns that is apart from the innate identity and is considered another possibility. Also, in modern times, more and more single mothers are raising their children, male children especially, therefore feminising them. This suggest that in future generations everyone will be feminised. I am not sure what masculinists are saying about this shift. Masculism has ruled too long in the animal kingdom that feminism or egalitarianism should be given a turn. It is also observed that people respond better to female appearance and vocal ability, something that humans want to see in robots later in the future. This is why a lot of gagets have female voices. Babies have shown that they can start developing recognition to their mother’s voices long before they are born. They will and only will respond to that voice than any other voice.
People assume that watching television, reading commics and playign video games etc, rots the brain. The thing is, it is not the act of doing those things, but it is WHAT you DO that does it. For instance, if you watched very educational programmes and played very educational video games, then your brain would learn and wire to a more average extent. However, science has shown that playing violent video games boosts fight-or-flight responses in the central nervous system. So, there can be a little bit of violence, but it should not be carried to the extent that it will wire the brain to make a person so selfish and greedy. Gaming allows one to strategise and build maps in their minds to improve spacial abilities and improve photographic and or eidetic memory.
Now, let’s move on to how we can patch up these differences. If you read the above sources you may have surmised that we are gradually forcing our children’s brains to rewire so that both become harmonised than what was found in evolutionary history. This is one of the reasons postgenderism is occurring. I recently came across some possible theories for the future, one of which got my interest. The ability to regrow a human body and perform a brain transplant or organ harvesting to keep the mind and soul alive is known as replacement cloning. This is almost like immortality, to be able to live forever. This would cure tons of disabilities out there if it proved to work out in practice. This would be added to the possibility of stem cell therapy, which might replace plastic surgery. And, of course, mind-veering will be very important. Only LGBTQIA scientists would think about cloning themselves to get the right bodies so they could dwell in them. So, why is it a big deal to be able to change who you are. People change political views, changed career goals, religion, etc. Why is gender switching such a big deal? After all, if some species can do it, why can’t humans? I know people tell you to accept your body for what it is. But, if you really hate the way your body turned out to be, then you should have the right to change it to how you view yourself and how you expect others to see you.
I also got involved with a new voice machine called the Tokyo artificial larynx. It is a brass instrument that you blow into, and the rubber vocal folds vibrate to produce a tone. Currently a stoma is required to blow into it and talk at the same time. I am ooking to see if a billow and or a pump could be made for it so that other people can use it, too. I looked into the relationship between hearing and speaking, and how words have become more and more pejorative in our Western world because of increase in diversity. When you use the words mute or dumb, people assume you are not willing to speak. Truth is, language depends on the ears to hear and the voice to produce. Input, integration, and output. So what I wanted to figure out was, how can we experience different forms of speech impediments, especially the ones relating to integration? What is it like to be able to babble but not speak intelligently? What is it like for someone to know what they want to say but not be able to say it? Those who have had strokes and had their brains erased and formatted, therefore they would need to have their brains rewired. Also, people with tracheostomies cannot speak because the air would be flowing on the bottom of the voice box, not the top. People without vocal folds CANNOT whisper. Someone has suggested that a person is voiceless, not speechless. You can learn a lot more about this, and you will even get to see if helium has an effect on the artificial voice. You can check out this person’s YouTube channel at And with that, I will talk about some of the things I have explored that has made me the person I am now.

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