Sensation Experience

Potential Experiments, a wrap-up to this series.

Today, I learned that olfactory nerves are the only nerves in the central nervous system that can be regenerated. Could this be the reason why some people have anosmia, because their nerves didn’t regenerate? This is what a team of researchers used to allow a Polish man to walk again. In addition, I read that someone had been able to create a connection between the severed parts of the spinal cord using a stimulation device, and the paralysed person could wiggle their toes for the first time since their accident. A guy over in Italy, Sergio Canavero, has been working on a substance called polyephylene Glycol to reconnect the spinal cord in a head transplant. Additionally, this world-renowned surgeon is actually thinking of doing a body swap, one system at a time.
I’ve been writing heavily in my diary for the last ten years, and at that time, I wrote a lot about things that might help as a transgender person. In biohacking, there is a technique that people are working on that would allow the injection of serum that contains nanobots. They would attach themselves to cells, modifying the genes. The changes would occur gradually. Once the changes occur, you would use nanobot surgeons to model and customise your body. Since they would be magnetically charged, you could use a magnetised wand or MRI magnetic field to attract or repel them into a certain region, such as redirecting them to your voice box and overall vocal tract so as to start shrinking the area around it. In the future, there would be a lot more taking over when racism peaks its height. You can also prepare serum by putting the blood into the centrifuge. Of course, serum can mean different things. Authors use it creatively to mean a drug or potion with exaggerated effects.
I figured, since I have a lot of fat in my abdominal area, I could use that to create new fat tissue, which can be used to fill out other areas that need it the most, while at the same time slenderising the areas that would not need it. That would also require the thinning or dissolving of a lot of bone mineral layers and other tissue. And, if we were to do the brain transplant, it would have to fit the new person’s head, because if it were too small, then the intercranial pressure would be too high, and vice versa. Same thing with the organs… if we made the body smaller, the organs would also have to grow smaller, as well. I am purely against things like cochlear implants, breast implants, metals and alloys, and ceramic prostheses, since they are all artificial facsimiles of the real thing, although ceramic may come to being the closest biologically because of its minerals. The following passages were written by a male friend of mine who is into endocrinology.

I was thinking about how hormones could psychologically make someone more attracted to a different gender, and so I tried to think of qualities that are common to females and not males which males would be attracted to. At first I thought of the ratio of fat to other body tissue, but I realised that it must not be set in stone, because some cultures think fat females are attractive, fat within reason anyway, and some think thin ones are. So I thought of what I am attracted to, which is voice quality, although it might not reflect the preferences of other males. Anyway, I was trying to think of what exactly would make me attracted to voices that have a certain high in pitch and resonance, because it seems strange that hormones could affect that. So I thought: maybe it only does that because those voices are different than my own, meaning at least what I think of as being more female-like, and less male-like. I also like shorter instead of taller females, within reason anyway, which I think reflects this as well.
Also, I was thinking that it would be good to do a study to see if a certain amount of pressure could cause growth plates to fuse and undergo senescence. I know that growth plates are at the ends of bones, but for the sake of explaining what I would like to study, imagine the growth plates being in the centre. The two things I would like to study are these. If, let us say you had a leg bone, I think and the thigh, the longest bone in the body. Imagine you had the bone on a table, facing vertically so it was really tall from the table to the sky. I would like to put plates on either end and squeeze them together for the first experiment, and pull them apart, maybe with clamps or something for the second. The problem for the second experiment is that the growth plates are at the ends, so the clamps might grab the plates themselves and damage them. I have heard two different explanations as to why growth plates fuse and undergo senescence. The first is that they have a certain growth potential they can reach, which is their maximum, and then they stop growing. The second is that oestrogen causes them to undergo senescence, which is part of the reason females stop growing earlier, or that they are generally shorter. The enzyme aromatase converts testosterone into oestrogen, which is why the growth plates of males fuse eventually as well. I do not know if it is proven or not, but I heard that males can take aromatase inhibitors while they go through puberty to only produce testosterone and not oestrogen, so it will take longer for the growth plates to fuse. It is probably useless once they have fused, though, unless, as I had said, we can figure out how to manipulate bone structures.

Cartilage still grows even after growth plates fuse, so that could probably help. Some parents have opted to use high oestrogen doses to keep their severely disabled kids from growing up, so they would be more easy to take care of as they aged. Therefore, it proves that oestrogen, at least, is responsible for sunting growth. This practice has been around for quite some time, and it is called growth attenuation therapy. It has parked a lot of controversy among disability rights advocates, though. In fact, back in 2018, I met an eleven-year-old boy who was about five feet tall, but when I looked at his limbs and face, I knew that he had the perfect figure, and I couldn’t help wishing to stop further development so that he’d always look that way. But I knew that morally and ethically, this was not possible, but I couldn’t help thinking it just the same.
What do you think makes up some of your or my attractiveness? Some people on a FaceBook group I was in were asked, tell us about your most sexy attributes you are complimented on. Many of the cisgender guys said that their hair, deep radio voices, broad shoulders, and maybe penis length made up some of their good-looking attributes. Many of the cisgender females said that they were complimented on how short they were, how small or narrow their hands, wrists, ankles, or feet were, how narrow their waists were, or how big their butts and or breasts were, as well. So,I was thinking, why should we take the high road if there is something about us we don’t like about ourselves. People always tell you that you should accept your body and bone structure the way it is and live with it by finding the beauty in everything. Whether or not that’s a popular opinion, my view is different. I say, you should do everything within reason to change it as long as you can demonstrate that there is scientific evidence to prove your claims. You have the right to look the way you want to look, not the way your body, or anybody, says it should look. For example, a lot of trans-guys struggle with having smaller bone structures, and if they take testosterone before the senescence of growth plate and other mechanisms of bone metabolism, bones can be made to continue growing. This is because testosterone makes someone more muscular, although it has some growth inhibiting properties. Human growth hormones are what make people grow. Oestrogen is another growth inhibitor, but it doesn’t make one muscular. Aromatase, an enzyme, can convert too much testosterone into oestrogen… So, what I want to know is, why are humans meant to grow in one direction,, but not shrink in the other direction? Are there any animals in the animalia quingdom capable of shrinking? I’ve seen how trees grow through growth rings. Some people might shrink as they age, but I heard that this is related to the spine and is generally an unhealthy thing. Testosterone can make your voice box lengthen, and the vocal folds to thicken, which ultimately deepens it, but with our current medical resources, nothing can make it shrink back to its previous size. This is the same thing for bones. So, I met another trans-guy, and we were talking about bio-engineering, and some options came up. Now, I’m a big fan of nuclear and radiological imaging, within reason anyway, since I don’t want to expose the body to massive and dangerous amounts of ionising radiation. I’m also big on 3D scanning and printing, as well as lifecasting. Why can’t we inject somebody, or two volunteers to compare and contrast, and then we can study, in fine details, how these bones are laid out, and what kind of planned action we can do to optimise growth or shrinkage of these structures to reach a desired outcome. We know that the human body replaces itself every seven or ten years. That part is widely debated. Everything except within the central and cranial nervous system is constantly being replaced with new material. This is because most birds and some reptiles have epidermal stem cells that mammals don’t have. Plants can propagate new roots using rooting hormones, so surely humans must have some similar mechanism of action. The only exception to this is the nerves in the olfactory region. If they didn’t regenerate, we’d lose our sense of smell. This dividing and replacement of cells is called mitosis. It is a controlled mechanism of replacing dead cells with new ones. It’s like when you go and stock shelves at a store. You see people picking out soda cans and other things from the outside, and then more would be pushed out from behind to fill in the gaps. These are called layers. We know that bones can thicken in diameter by a mechanism that causes more layers to be built on the outside, and more layers to be dissolved on the inside, so as not to make them too heavy. We also know that bone lengths are dependent on something called growth plates, which are fused by a mechanism caused by chemical messengers. The key here is to use the principle of tissue expansion, or tissue replacement, to either lengthen or shorten and or slenderise bones. We also know that bones are flexible and durable. If you use acid, like vinegar, it will become soft and spongy. If you put bones in a hot fire for a long period of time, it will become crumbly. I once performed an experiment where I took a chicken leg bone, and I used a giant hedge clipper to break it cleanly down the middle. What I saw was surprising. The thickness. Between the hole in the inside and the outside was about a quarter of an inch, or about 20 mm. I wondered why we couldn’t peg these bones in place without using metal materials simply by using new bones to pound them into place, then the bone peg would dissolve after it has been exposed to pressure for a while. The pieces could also be glued together with a morphogenic protein growth factor. We can also work on reversing the mechanism so that more layers of bones would dissolve on the outside, and more would be laid down on the inside. That, in turn, would make a cluster of bones like wrists, hands, ankles, or feet smaller or narrower. I’ve also talked about using a handpiece and or routing materials to round out square portions of bones as well, particularly in the facial region. If you wanted to square out a rounded piece of bone, that has yet to be discovered, although I’d love to work in that area.
If you are squeamish about certain things, then don’t read on. If we are to build a fully-functioning reproductive system for trans-femme people, then adhering to these facts is a must. I questioned some of these because they advised you to do something but without explaining the reason or logic behind it.

Some facts you DIDN’T learn in Health Class!

  1. Vaginal discharge is normal. What’s normal about it? Well, so long as it looked, felt, and smelled healthy, I guess. A mild fishy smell is usually nothing to worry about. Only when it is strong should you be worried.
  2. Wearing nicker liners 24/7 is not necessary. *Why not?*
  3. Vaginas are acidic enough to BLEACH fabric, hence the discoloration of underwear. *I thought the pH of the internal lining was nearly the same as that of the skin’s surface.*
  4. Longer labias are more normal than smaller ones (but both are fine). *People think you need to get rid of longer ones because of edited porn magazine photos.*
  5. Sperm CAN throw off your ph balance and also change the smell of your vagina. *Well, if it’s like combining what pancake batter smells like in comparison with leavening dough or a little bit of fishthat that has been activated with yeast, then it’ll make a perfect freshener and tell everybody that you’ve had sex! In all seriousness, though, I wonder if any of this is pheromone-related.*
  6. It is not safe for vaginas to smell like sunshine and flowers, so quit expecting it to. *Damn, so many of today’s vagina owners, mostly female-identified, have been brainwashed by our society to think that a natural scent is bad and unattractive.
  7. STOP douching and washing your vagina with Bath and Body Works, and Victoria’s Secret. That shit’s not healthy for the vagina yall. *Right. Just leave it be and find something else to do. Perhaps it’s another attempt at trying to get them to use more of their products for lucrative gain.*
  8. The vagina cleans itself. *Duh, what else is it supposed to do?*
  9. Having sex has no correlation of how “tight” your vagina is. *I could’ve figured that out a long time ago. Sometimes being extremely wet means that you can’t even feel it when it’s up there.*
  10. Yeast infections are COMMON!!! *Why wouldn’t it be?*
  11. The best thing you can do for your vagina is to leave it alone. That is, unless you’re pleasing yourself or being pleased, going to the bathroom, or giving birth.
  12. If your vagina stinks or your discharge stinks and has a color then go see a gynaecologist. *What is it generally supposed to smell like? Many say it has a mild fishy smell that can attract cats. This may be due to the breaking down of amines.*
  13. Let it breathe. *As if it had lungs? Wait, I suppose you mean let the area around it be exposed to the open.*
  14. The VAGINA is the narrow canal that runs INSIDE the body, NOT the whole genital area. *Well, why do you suppose people don’t call it a vulva to refer to the whole genitalia, then? Precision and accuracy matters! ‘Do not use soap in your vagina.’ Right! Just a little side-note here to remind us.*
  15. Always urinate after sex to rinse the urinary tract of fluids that could be caught there and can cause UTIs. *As if…. I guess anybody with a shortened urethra should be worried.*
  16. Drink water. *Right, so you don’t faint upon arrival of Aunt Flow.
  17. COTTON panties ladies. Wearing silk, satin and lace seven days a week will absolutely throw your pH off. *How so? Are those substances basic?* Don’t argue with me about this. Even if you say your mama put you in satin diapers and all you’ve ever worn is satin panties. If that’s true, YOUR pH IS OFF. I GUARANTEE it. *Well, let me just get a talking lab quest and insert a probe to find out!*
  18. Stop sprinkling powder on your lady bits, stop IMMEDIATELY! Talcum causes cancer. This isn’t a hoax or a joke, and I don’t care if your 97 year old great Aunt Myrtle has been using it twice a day, every day. STOP IT! TODAY! Trust me. *So, talcum causes cancer, eh? And, where’s your scientific evidence to prove that?*
  19. Also, the Vagina is a natural sperm killer, except when you’re ovulating with the exception of a very high pH level. (Still use protection people!) *Right, abstinance is the best way not to get any sperm inside of you.*
  20. This is all correct and true. Ladies, stop letting boys who got sex ed from Pornhub tell you about YOUR vagina. *Well, well, and just who do you think the boys are? Obviously, boys can have periods, too, especially those who’ve previously been assigned female at birth.*

Sorry…. couldn’t help being a little smart-alecky, but I just couldn’t resist. Regardless, a lot of it’s true and straight-up blunt. Not only would we have to change the person’s genitals and internal organs, but somehow change the glands, i.e. prostate to Skene’s, Cowper’s to Bartholin, etc, move the testes into the inguinal canals and turn them into ovaries, then figure out how to turn the follicles into follopian tubes and a fully-functioning uterus. Also, don’t you suppose the reason trans-women must frequently dilate? It’s because their body doesn’t have a genetic code for a surgically-made opening, so it naturally sees it as a wound that needs to be healed. That’s another important reason why we need to start using transhuman biotechnological intervention as soon as possible!
I also want to use genetics to cure Progeria, a rare ageing disorder caused by special proteins. It could help us develop antigeria, the way some jellyfish have. We can also use chemicals that can alter fat cells so as to destroy them or extract stem cells from them. We can speed up or slow down metabolism, which includes catabolism and anabolism. For example, you can use enhanced anabolism to heal a wound much more quickly, or catabolism to quickly break down nutrients. Think about ectomorphs, mesomorph, and endomorph, or neotenic individuals who can still retain their youth even at a much older age. There’s also the possibility of brain transplantation and cryogenics, which is always an option for hibernation (this is where slowing down metabolism would be most useful). At some point when I got older, I experienced a rapid weight-gain, with my cheeks puffing out and rings developing around my neck, and stretch marks forming almost all over my body. The worst part was being that I looked a lot older now, and that it was probably due to a combination of medicines I was on after something bad happened to me. It was as if I were on cortizone-related steroids, since they were messing with my thyroid gland. I was constantly hungry, and hence, I was equally worried about running out of food. My brain was in almost a constant fog.
And just a reminder, if you have had a negative experience with a transgender person because of how they looked, felt, or sounded, do not assume that all transgender people are like that. Some, like myself, will go to all lengths to look, feel, and sound passable as the desired gender to avoid the consequences of being misgendered. Still, we should also honour and respect those who want to transgress traditional gender norms by having male sopranos and female basses.
Anyway, I will wrap up this series, so as to make room for more stuff. One final note: if you have a penis, try tucking it in so that it will not expand when you get hard. Instead, you will be able to experience a pleasurable tingling sensation radiating deep inside your pelvic region, and even underneath your raphe, where it has once been opened!

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