Sensation Experience

Getting Back to Blogging

Today, I decided I’d cover a few things since the last time I blogged. I should mention that today is my twentieth birthday, and if I ever wanted to be a teenager once again, I would have to be cloned into the body that is that many years old. This would mean that I would have to celebrate two birthdays. One that would symbolise how old I have been living and acquiring knowledge and wisdom into my inner-being while the other birthday would signify how old my physical being was. For example, I could live up to be eighty-five and reside in the body of a ten-year-old. Of course, this gets a little far-fetched, since scientists are trying to prolong life using stem cells. I also thought of this interesting ageing manipulation after having watched Demolition Man. If you are friends with someone who is fifty-eight, and you wanted to be the same age as they are, you would have to suspend their body in cryogenesis, while you worked your way up to be fifty-eight. Then you would unfreeze that person and you would both be the same age. The only setback is that time would have moved on.
Yesterday was Pi Day, and the getting ready for Saint Patrick’s Day on Monday. Update: It’s probably no coincidence that Stephen Hawking chose to die on 14 March 2018 at the age of seventy-six, which is a long time considering what he had. It was definitely the best time for him to die because he left on a mathematical note.
The first thing I wanted to go over are different kinds of human enhancements that are natural and safe to use. For instance, I would like to be able to smell as good as any dog, and to be able to detect changes in human pheromones to know when someone is happy, sad, frightened, angry, etc. I think it would be pretty interesting to use such fine signatures, as most blind people rely on auditory senses to know when someone they know is present. Deaf-blind people wouldn’t have much benefit from their hearing, so we’d have to depend on these other senses. It’d be more funny if you could be in a room, and all of the sudden you recognise someone’s scent and you said, ‘hello’ and the person’s name. They would ask how you knew they were there without having to talk to you first. You would just smile shily and say that you always know when they are there. I heard some people use gait recognition as another way to tell when someone was there. This could be useful if you were next to someone and they were suddenly having an epileptic seizure, you would be able to smell the changes in their chemistry, or maybe sense their brain waves. Speaking of seizures, I learnt that there was a way you could chemically or electrically induce one using electroshock therapy. For people who wanted to experience night vision, why not give them reflecting cells called tapetum lucidom? Although people say the human eye cannot detect infrared or ultraviolet, the truth of the matter is that some people can, and it’s due to flawed structures in the cells.–eye-surgery-lets-some-see-well-into-the-ultraviolet.html I’m sure there are other real-world superpowers, too, like hibernating, camouflaging, parthenogenecis, bioluminescence, and many, many more. We are so underdeveloped compared to other species, and we have terribly slow reflexes. We rely on our technology so much, and I’m not just talking about our electronics. I’m talking about the technology our ancestors have used. Tarzan was an example of a natural transhuman who developed really great agility due to being raised in the jungle like a feral child.
The next thing I wanted to discuss was ways on how people dealt with stress, and what might happen to the mind at that time. Last Monday, after having talked to my new soul mate from Europe, I started getting overwhelmed with the class I was taking, the things I wanted to do, and still keep everyone happy all at once. I did so much multi-tasking that my brain virtually went into overload and would not process anything else until I had a good sleep and did something to exercise my mind. A good spring-cleaning on my computer and in the house seemed like a good idea, but then I got to thinking about using mind sports and building a reading list so I would have something to read that I have never read yet when I finished with the stuff I was currently doing. I decided that going back in time with my diary would help me as well, since nostalgic moments often make a person feel euphoric. Update: I have always lacked a ‘moviecation’ (Pitch Perfect 2012) because it is hard to hear not only the descriptive element, but the dialogue, and there’s not much in terms of better serving people who are dD/deaf-blind or blind and hard-of-hearing individuals. You are either seen as deaf, or you are blind, but almost never together. So, in 2019, my New Year’s resolution was to watch at least one movie every weekend, and three at the most, one on Friday, another on Saturday, and a third one on Sunday. Maybe I might raise it to seven movies a week, one movie a day. All I need to do is find the SRT file, make sure the times are synchronised, and then run the movie through a programme called the Wade Machine.
Should people care too much about what other say? In today’s high standards, thanks to those unscrupulous Europeans who came and messed things up, we now have to lie to protect ourselves and each other, that our feelings become locked up inside us. With writing being the best way for communicating with a false facade, lack of emotion is present, and therefore, misinterpretations lead to fights on the internet. Sometimes, even though you know you should not care too much if someone makes assumptions about you, you still care, because it gives you a feeling of being uncomfortable, and more so when those people start spreading rumours about you that could ruin your career and or your reputation. This might have been mentioned in an earlier post, but some time has passed, and of course, more experience. For now, that’s all that I have to say, but hopefully when my mind is out of this fog I can add to this post.

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