Understanding Systemic Racism in the United States

Why it has always been a problem, and how it impacts Modern American society today   Before I begin talking about my perceptions of race, I would like to first give my deepest condolences to George Floyd’s family and relatives, as well as others who have tragically lost a part of them through brutal, unjust, … Read more

How can I make it Right?: Resolutions

This post uses lyrics and song titles throughout to reference how I felt when I was writing this article based on a group I am in.
I have also included a quote from a friend of mine who is going through similar issues.

More Issues That Seem to Keep Prevailing in This Country

Hopefully, this is the last post in this political series because I know that there’s a lot of controversy over these things.
Content warning: do not read if you are a recent survivor of sex abuse, or had suffered some other form of life-altering trauma.